Wednesday, April 27, 2005

One more post. KPFA radio is broadcasting a series this week during their morning show on Consumerism. Here’s the web site for more info: KPFA

Media under the microscope

We have begun our unit on media. Thanks to all the presenters who kicked off the unit yesterday. In this unit, we will be examining news media specifically. We will be asking ourselves: where do we get our information? what are we being told? do the news organizations (corporations) have biases or agendas that may skew the information they present?
I’d like to thank Claire (from the Tuesday night class) for bringing in the following article, which not only examines an issue about Bush during the debates, but also looks at how the media chose to handle it. Read the article at FAIR. When you read this article, jot down questions/comments that come to mind. In addition, think about the source and if it affects your impressions of the article. This incident (Bush’s alleged wire wearing during the debate) triggered response in the blogging world. I urge you to read the various blogs that examine the issue. Also, think about blogging and its role in the media.

Final Project Description

Your final project will consist of two parts. The first element is your creative piece. If you are unsure if your creative piece is suitable, email or meet with me as soon as possible. The creative piece can incorporate work from others (friends and family) but the majority of work must be your own.
The second element is the accompanying essay (3-5 pages, typed, double-spaced). The essay essentially explains your piece and the decisions you made when creating it. If you are unsure what to include in your essay, ask yourself the following questions.

- Why did I select this project?
- How did it feel to create this project?
- What influenced my decisions when creating the project?
- Who is the intended audience for my piece?
- How will the audience react?
- If someone objects to the validity of my piece, how would I respond?

We will conduct a draft workshop on May 17th. You may bring your essay, your creative piece or both to receive feedback from your classmates.

The final project is due May 24. There will be no extensions granted for this project and you may NOT email your project. You must submit it in person before or on the due date.
Night class: Keep in mind, I will be leaving the classroom at 7:30 pm.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Upcoming readings for Death unit

Both of these article are from the SF Chronicle:

  • Marin Cemetary

  • Cat Cloning


    Death One-Pager

    What are your opinions on death? Have your beliefs been influenced by your parents, religion, heritage, society? How have your opinions of death changed, if at all, by this class (readings, class discussions, etc.)?
    Day Class: Due 4/28
    Night Class: Due 5/3

    Tuesday, April 12, 2005


    No office hours today

    Sorry folks. No office hours today. I'll be available on Thursday by appointment and via email.

    Thursday, April 07, 2005


    Annotated Bib. for 4/12

    You will write an annotated bib on Purified by Fire or an article you've selected for you third essay. The section from Purified by Fire is missing pages 8 and 9, which I passed out Tuesday. If you missed class and don't have the pages, I'll leave some outside my office (314) this afternoon. Or, you can write on an article you are using for the essay (which will be useful as you move forward with your paper).

    Monday, April 04, 2005


    No Office hrs. on 4/5

    I won't be holding office hours tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/5). If you need to speak with me, email me to make an appointment for Thursday. I'm also happy to answer questions over email.

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