Saturday, May 07, 2005


Media one pager

Tabloid news is headline news.
More and more we are seeing tabloid or "fluff" stories making headlines. Examine a recent story that made the news that you think barely warranted a blip on the radar. Why did this story receive so much attention? Is this what the public wants, or is this what the media wants us to have? Can't think of any "fluff" stories? Here are a few off the top of my head:
-Janet Jackson's nipple at the Superbowl, Bennifer, The Passion of the Christ, Brad and Jen's break up (or any celebrity break up for that matter), the Michael Jackson trial, Britney's pregnancy, "Woman finds finger in her chili and turns out to be a crook," "Bride runs away from upcoming wedding and pretends it is a kidnapping." I think you get the picture.


Discuss a story that did not get enough media coverage (the demand for an Ohio recount, for example). Why did this story go ignored? Who benefited from the story being underreported? How does it affect the public to be uninformed about the issues raised in the story?

Day class: Due 5/12
Night class: Due 5/17
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